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Marina Jolivet

Fridge magnetist, painting, workshop animator



Photo credit: ©André Minvielle

Born in the Arcachon clinic alongside the oysters, mussels and kayocs, Marina grew up on the Bassin, moved to Bordeaux then Brittany and came back to the bottom left in the magnificent Béarn at the foot of the Pyrenees. A fridge magnetist, she loves to draw and paint little creatures and large vegetables and to squeeze her brain to find subtle or completely stupid puns to give them a voice. The magnets (and other creations) convey messages with humour and love, if not nothing at all! Concerned about the problems threatening the environment and its inhabitants, Marina organises outings to observe our surroundings, collect waste and upcycle it into various creations to raise awareness of the scourge of packaging-ache and pass on what she learns in a fun but serious way! With André Minvielle, the man with the crank, and Olivier Azam the bear trainer, they perform on stage in a transartistic and multi-immediate performance: ‘L'Homme à la manivelle’ (a co-production of Les Mutins de Pangée and the association Les Chaudrons). Marina also creates personalised works of all sizes, from magnets to frescoes, paintings made with objects (waste or meaningful objects) etc. She creates themed exhibitions and runs workshops, for example on climate change, science and art, mushrooms, water (rivers, streams, oceans) and pollution. For children, Marina offers workshops lasting from one hour to several days on various subjects, such as the Pyrenees, biodiversity and the fight against isolation. She regularly performs in duos with André Minvielle (sound experimentation music) and Agnès Aguila (dance) or other people to offer multidisciplinary workshops.

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