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Bossa Flor Music Collective


Musical production, edition, singer


Bossa Flor , originally, is the name given by  Philippe Quevauviller  in 2009 to a book project on bossa nova that he had titled “Fleur de bossa”. His musical activity found a new dimension in 2012 with the meeting of  Pierre Barouh , itself initiated by the mutual friend and producer,  Emmanuel de Ryckel . Complicity and friendship are born around this “art of encounters” which is the hallmark of his journey. Pierre becomes the tutelary figure of what will become the non-profit association Bossa Flor in 2016 in Brussels, shortly before his departure for another elsewhere. What he called “underground rivers” generated multiple encounters of lovers of multicultural exchanges around French song, Brazilian music and jazz that we find in various collections published by Bossa Flor Éditions. The non-profit organization was closed in 2023 and relayed by the Association (Law 1901) Bossa Flor Music established in the Pau region (France) since September 2022. Among the honorary members of Bossa Flor Music, we also find the writer  Jean- Paul Delfino , the bossanovist  Didier Sustrac , and  Joel Favreau , traveling companion of Georges Brassens. 



Walker, author, composer, singer, filmmaker, writer



Bridger among French-Brazilian music



Writer, musicologist between France and Brazil



Author, composer, guitarist, singer




Guitarist, singer, author, composer



The various projects launched between 2008 and 2021 (described in works published by Bossa Flor Éditions) have merged into a larger network around a “ Bossa Flor Music Collective ” where artists linked by the same passion for this music meet. and their gateways. This page presents the biographies of this collective of artists who are found in three flagship projects led by Bossa Flor Music: Passarim (bridges between French songs and Brazilian music), Bossa & Jazz (bossa nova classics in jazzy mode) and Swing, Blues, Soul & pop (an anthology of sung and instrumental pieces). The collective is complemented by guest artists who regularly participate in Bossa Flor Music's programming.


Invited Artists

Image site Artistes Invités.jpg
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